As the Title suggests I am a vet, and proud of it, and proud of all those that wear the uniform of the United States of America. You name it we'll talk about it. Politics, sports and much more. However, I am also very interested in what is happening to this great country of ours, politically and socially...So SOUND OFF PRIVATE!!!

The Stars and Stripes

The Stars and Stripes
Respect Her, Defend Her, and Cherish what she stands for.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Reeling in of a President, or shut your mouth unless you have my permission

A roll back through time will remind all of us of the time that former President Clinton was in the limelight. His actions or failure thereof, were in the daily news papers on a regular basis and especially his infamous fling with Monica Lewinski. Remember how when this happened "Slick Willie" and the Democratic Party gathered around him to consoul him and offer support? Remember when Hillary put him on the couch because of his actions? Well, many have said that Hillary has "forgiven" him and all was right with the world. Or so it appeared.

Recently, "Slick Willie" was caught with his hand in the cookie jar again. Not with a woman, but the Dubai Ports Deal. While Hillary was throwing a hissy fit about Bush backing the ports deal, Willie was advising them how to "sell the deal". When the press and many bloggers caught wind of it they put it in their news review articles. Well, actually more bloggers than the news media. Anyway, when Hillary found this out she evidently gave Willie a tongue lashing. Slick is still in the dog house with Hillary over his affair and now it seems that Hillary is reeling in the leash that Willie is on.

Now more things are coming to light, according to the NY Daily News, March 20 edition, Hillary is really tightening the leash that her illfated husband is already on. Slick will no longer be able to do anything without Hillary's staff and her approving it. Hmmmm...I guess this means that Slick won't be making anymore speeches in foreign countries for money without Hillary writing the speech for him. I also assume that this will limit Slick's public appearances unless, according to the article, it is for Hillary's benifit. Hillary still plans on using Slick for fund raising events for her campaign efforts, but his personal appearances will deinitely be drawn closer to what Hillary wants.

To boost Hillary's Oval Office bid, Slick will be hosting several get-togethers around the country and is planning town hall meetings to talk about some of the success stories from what Hillary likes to call "our administration." But the tone of these meetings will be determined by Hillary or her staff. Amazing how a former president, one that was "loved and cherished" by so many for the eight years in office, is now on a leash. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Is Hillary now violating Slicks civil rights or better yet his Constitutional rights? It kind of makes you wonder what Slick's roll will be when/if Hillary makes a successful bit for the White House in 2008. Will Slick be swept under the carpet? Will he be reduced to redesigning the White House, as many presidents wives have done? Oh woe is me, what will become of the one-time most loved president? Hey Slick, stand up for your rights, with Hillary's approval of course.

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