As the Title suggests I am a vet, and proud of it, and proud of all those that wear the uniform of the United States of America. You name it we'll talk about it. Politics, sports and much more. However, I am also very interested in what is happening to this great country of ours, politically and socially...So SOUND OFF PRIVATE!!!

The Stars and Stripes

The Stars and Stripes
Respect Her, Defend Her, and Cherish what she stands for.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Enough Already!!!

I will try to keep his post short, but I for one am getting sick and tired of all the publicity that is being given to Anna Nicole Smith. Let me explain. My heart goes out her family, her husband(s) and friends that she left behind, I am sure that there’s much grieving taking place at this time.

It amazes me that the press, both written and on TV, are devoting so much time to this issue. It amazes me even more knowing that not much time is devoted to what our troops are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now I am not talking about the conflicts, loss of life or equipment being blown up; I’m talking about the good things that they are doing for the countries that they’re in. Little to no coverage given regarding the rebuilding of the school’s, hospitals and yes the towns and cities themselves. The only time we see anything about the troops is if there is a loss of life involved, scandal, rape, torture and some stupid officer thinking that he did not have to go to Iraq.

Getting back to Anna Nicole Smith, it is time to move on. Enough is enough. I’m sorry that the lady is dead, I know that she has suffered quite a bit over the last few months, but to devote this much time and coverage on one person of such a low stature simply baffles me. The way she is covered in the press one would come to the conclusion that she was some sort of a high dignitary figure such as a president or a leading figure from another country.

If the press really wants to cover individuals on an individual basis, let’s start covering the individual soldier that puts his life on the line every day so that we may sit back and are cozy little chairs and complained to the world how bad we are. Why not pick out soldiers at random and get their story, where they’re from, who their family is and whether or not they think they are doing the right thing in Iraq or Afghanistan. Or maybe even run special coverage on the families of the soldiers that are defending our nation. Anna Nicole Smith has had her ten years in the press; which is nine years, eleven months, 29 days, 23 hours and 45 minutes more than the average person. Let’s get back to the reporting the new, not some gossip magazine coverage. OK, I’m through with my ranting now, let’s get back to the more important things going on. I just had to vent it.

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